
Yoga is not a work-out

 "Yoga is not a work-out, it is a work-in

And this is the point of spiritual practice;

to make us teachable; to open up our hearts

and focus our awareness

so that we can know what we already know

and be who we already are."

- Rolf Gate

===================================================== Nithya Pravaha refers to dance flows that use famous quotes from well-known personalities who have brought immense impacts into our lives. Apsara Arts transforms the valuable thoughts of these flows into the divine art, Bharathanatyam. Every Saturday, we are going to share these flows that have inspired us to be whatever little we are today. Check out the 'Nirtiya Pravaha - Part 1 & Part 2' series on our Youtube channel, Facebook, and Instagram pages. This will be a weekly affair for the next few months. We are looking forward to sharing this with all of you. Do like share and follow our channel for more and do not forget to continuously show your love and support. Thank you 💢Nirtiya Pravaha Part 1 YouTube Playlist (Episode 1 - 7) :

💢Nirtiya Pravaha Part 1 YouTube Playlist (Episode 1 - 9) :

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