
Shanmugapriya | Short Story | Review by Kogilavani Krishnamorty

 Short Story Review Shanmugapriya

Short Story "Shanmugapriya" 
 Written by M.Navin  


The short story "Shanmugapriya" by M. Navin revolves around the storyteller's memories of a person named Shanmugapriya, whom they met during their school years at Wellesley Tamil School. The author reflects on how he had forgotten about Shanmugapriya until a visit to the beach with his three-year-old daughter triggered a memory of her. 

The story is a reflection of how people from our past can suddenly resurface in our minds due to certain events or triggers. It highlights how our past experiences and relationships shape us and stay with us, even if we're not always consciously aware of them. 

Isn't it amazing how our minds work? Our brains are like giant storage containers of memories, and sometimes the smallest thing can bring back a long-forgotten memory. It could be a scent, a song, a place, or even a person that triggers these memories and makes us think about the past.

These memories are a part of who we are, and they shape our personality, influence our decisions, and guide our actions in ways we might not even realize. Our past relationships, especially, have had a profound impact on us. They've taught us about love, friendship, trust, and sometimes, about heartache and loss.

Even when we think we've moved on and forgotten, our past experiences and relationships continue to live within us, subtly influencing our present. They're like a part of our subconscious, quietly shaping our thoughts, feelings, and actions.

It's amazing to think that our past is always a part of our present. We carry a piece of all our experiences and relationships with us wherever we go, and they continue to shape us in ways we might not even realize.

This "Shanmugapriya" short story also carries an unrealized moment and relationship.

Do you want to experience this beautiful short story? Here's the link (written in the Tamil language)


List of Short stories by M.Navin


M.Navin's short stories in Malay Language


M.Navin's short stories in English Language


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